Friday, March 4, 2011

London: Day Three

The very wee hours of London Day Three were lightly disrupted by Katie scurrying about to get to her early morning flight, but then Clarissa and I re-zonked and had a nice rest until around 8, when we hopped up and headed into central London again for our day. She had a train at 5, I had a train at 7.

The first order of business was The Changing of the Guards at Buckingham Palace. This only happens every few days, and by chance it was happening that morning (Sunday). It officially starts at 11:30am, but we wanted to be there early so we could actually see.

The "Front" of Buckingham Palace

People lined up to see the Changing of the Guard

Some guards changing!

The would walk right up in our faces, then spin around and march off. A few of them were adorable and wished us a good morning as they approached. Always the guys in the fluffy hats, never the other one.

The band gets ready to march off.

The new guards, I am fairly certain

Then we wandered through an extremely expensive neighborhood on our mini-adventure to Hyde Park (trying not to get too horribly lost on the way). 

This one is for Daddy 

We still don't quite know what this sign was telling us

It started raining when we hit Hyde Park, but we persevered nonetheless.... 

Our other main goal of the day was to take a walk Clarissa found in her Rick Steve's Great Britain guide, from the Eye of London to Trafalgar Square. We hopped the Tube from Hyde Park to the Eye, and on our way stopped by an amaaaaazzzzing bakery/sandwich shop. We think it was called The Queen of Tarts. HIGHLY recommended. 

I cannot even explain how utterly amazing this cake was. Marble cake with what I believe to be buttercream frosting. Moist and vanilla-ey and oh so excellent

Oh so wet

National Gallery in Trafalgar Square

We are confused by the black telephone box
Also possibly worried


  1. Spiffy car pictures for me too! Take more!

  2. Hi Elena:

    Great photos and text once again. Your descriptions of the food are making me hungry!


    Aunt Wendy
