Officially on my way back to Paris! I was extremely nervous about driving to Houston for my flight, and actually practiced getting onto the proper freeway twice in advance. And then this morning, I was totally stressed out, as usual. I'm at the airport now, awaiting my flight to Atlanta, which will then take me to Paris. Alternating being stressed out and excited.
I think the thing I am most dreading is the long flight, actually. I'm not positive of the exact definition of a red-eye, but I think this qualifies: it leaves at the perfectly reasonable time of 6pm, but arrives at 8am. Which will be 1 or 2 in the morning for me, with an entire day ahead of me. And I got up at 4:30 this morning (my alarm was for 5, but I kept waking up from nerves and the fear that I had overslept). And I generally don't sleep on planes. I've brought sleeping pills and an eye mask with me, so hopefully that might work some magic. I have a window seat all the way there and all the way back. That will help- flights always seem longer when I don't have a window seat.
I think I land in Paris in a little over 12 hours. First stop: bread. Well, actually, first stop is probably getting to Laura's place and dropping off my stuff, but then: bread. And cheese.
And the Eiffel Tower tomorrow night.
A good chunk of Real French Bread, and all the stress and exhaustion of the day will float away. You and Laura are just the right people to be doing Paris. So have plenty of good French food, stroll the Seine, and give Laura a big hug. And bask in your fabulous Springtime in Paris!