Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jet Laaaaaggggg

When you start to hear the birds sing, you must finally break down and acknowledge that perhaps jet lag has hit you after all.

I couldn't understand what my program supervisor, Mme Shelley, was talking about this afternoon when she spoke of the jet lag insomnia she suspected we would be suffering throughout the week. Why would we have insomnia? The whole point was that we all wanted to go to sleep as soon as possible. And besides, I had taken care of mine. I'd managed to stay up until my customary midnight on my first day in Paris, and woke up around 9, and was thus on a regular schedule for me.

FAIL. It's 4:27am and I'm wide awake. And Paris is a city that sleeps, at least between 1 and 6 am.

I got my French bank account and my French cell phone today/yesterday. The phone is pretty basic- a blue flip phone, and I splurged an extra 10 euro so that it would have a camera. I want to take every precaution to not ever be caught in Paris without a camera!

Learning the subway a little more today. Also learning that North and South from my foyer (dorm) are completely opposite of what I assumed they were. Good to know!!

1 comment:

  1. Silly you not believing the orientation people. If there's one thing I've learned working with the exchange students, it's that we know everything!

    Kidding. Hope you get better sleep soon.

    Also, i just want you to know that I've been bragging about you to everyone who will listen. Some people have been stuck in cars with me and thus have no choice. I'm so proud of you!
