Sunday, February 20, 2011

Directionally Challenged

Those of you who have spent much time with me anywhere other than Edmonds probably have learned that I am directionally challenged. I blame my mother- on several occasions, our individual senses of misdirection have combined exponentially and led to some truly epic instances of being lost. On my own, I'm not quite as much of a hazard-in-the-making, but adventures still abound. I'm finding that, in Paris, my directional adventures generally work out to be about one hour in total from the point of getting lost to getting truly back on track.

I thought to document parts of one such adventure a few weeks ago:

It began as I attempted to make my transfer at the Montparnasse-Bienvenue Metro station. While normally a new train comes every 2-6 minutes (depending on the time of day), there was a huge back-up. The entire platform was filled with people, and the display said that the next train was over 20 minutes away. Clearly, some sort of blockage on the line or malfunctioning train somewhere. I first decided to instead go above ground and find the bus that would take me home.

Problem: right around Montparnasse is where my bus line splits in two for about 8-10 stops, depending on the direction you are going. And the whole area is very confusing anyway. Enter the first 15 minutes of being lost. I wander about, looking for my bus. I eventually conclude that I'm not going to find it any time soon, and I might as well just walk. It's only about 20 minutes from here....

I consult my map, determine my course, and resolutely march off.

In the wrong direction. I learn of this about 20 minutes later, when I somehow manage to end up crossing the same street I started from. Reconsult the map. I am still not entirely certain how I managed to loop around, but at least I figure out that I was heading the wrong way down the street. The obvious step here is to now head down the street in the reverse direction.

Somehow this doesn't work either. I stop to get a crepe to sustain myself.

Hair looking incredibly blowsy, but a nice warm crepe does wonders to warm up the hands in all that wind!
I choose yet another likely-looking path and set off. Fortunately, I have no scheduled plans for the evening!

A little fuzzy, sorry. All of the streets started to look the same after a while.... (but I'm still in love with French architecture) 
After over-shooting my turn-offs on several occasions and doing some backtracking, I start to have a little more confidence that I am going in the right direction. But I have absolutely no clue when I am to turn off. In a sudden burst of luck, I come across the random little eBay store that I know is kitty-corner to my favorite grocer, and thus finally know where I am.

My salvation!
All in all, my trip home that normally takes about 30 minutes in total took about an hour and 40. But I made it! In heels, thank you very much.

Home at last! The view from my window.


  1. You make me proud - a truly worthy getting-lost episode! At least you didn't end up looking at an ocean ;)

  2. wait, were we looking for the atlantic or the pacific? :-p

    ps in other news I am excessively obsessed with Merlin at the moment, and it has leapfrogged over my other two series that were supposed to go first AND over catching up on castle/lie to me.
