Thursday, February 17, 2011

School's About to Start!

O.O I think I fixed my internet (KNOCK ON WOOD). Read: I think I finally got my cable connection to work, rather than relying on the really sad wireless that barely comes through that I've been paying for for a month, since the cable worked exactly once (conveniently, the time I paid for it). Wireless subscription doesn't run out until 3am, so I won't know for certain, but I'm testing out things that have worked very slowly for the past 5 weeks, and so far it is speedy as all get out. Final test: if I can successfully video-Skype with the parents without crashing my extremely powerful computer, as has happened the last few times we tried.

In other news, proper university classes start on Monday. !!!! When did that happen?? This week has flown by at an incredible pace. Somehow, tomorrow is Friday, and my classes start on Monday. I don't even.

I believe my schedule looks as follows:

Monday:       09:00a-12:00p   Langue francaise (French language class)
                      14:00p-17:00p   Oral French (another French language class)

Tuesday:       14:00p-17:00p   La mode et le stylisme (French fashion!)

Wednesday:  09:00a-12:00p   Langue francaise (part two of Monday morning class)

Thursday:     14:00p-17:00p   Les grandes periodes de l'histoire de France (French history!!)

I was originally scheduled to take a class on French literature in place of the Oral French, but it was double-booked with my history class, and there was no other time it was available. A little bummed to be taking more language than electives, but it's probably going to be good for me. And will help with my comprehension in my two remaining elective classes- they are taught in French!!

And no classes on Friday. This makes me a pretty happy girl. Three out of my four semesters at Trinity, I arranged to take all of my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, thus leaving me with 4-day weekends every weekend. I have to tell you, this is a pretty fabulous set-up. Last semester, in Washington DC, I had classes Monday-Wednesday and my internship on Thursdays and Fridays. This left me with a measley two days for a weekend, which is also what I have had these first few weeks of French class. Let me tell you what I have discovered.

Two days makes for an inadequate weekend. Three days are at minimum required: one for going out and doing exciting things (going out with friends, exploring the city, going for a hike, going to the movies, going shopping, etc.), one for getting things done (cleaning, errands, laundry, long-term research projects, etc.), and one for never getting out of your pajamas. Granted, I liked having the 4th day, but I am just so psyched to get the extra day back. Now I can spend a day curled up in my room watching American movies in English and not feel like I am wasting a precious weekend day. Sometimes you just need to unwind and surround yourself with English, completely banishing all French from your presence. Or at least, I do.

I had my second dream in French last night, and it was infinitely more pleasant than the first. I don't remember the details, just that I was pleasantly going about things in French. The first time I dreamt in French was sometime during the first week, I believe, and it was incredibly stressful. I was aware at multiple points that I was dreaming, but couldn't wake up. The dream didn't happen in French, I was frantically translating everything into French. Ugh. Trop horrible.

Perhaps the difference is that I'm starting to get a little comfortable with French. I still have a looong way to go, but I feel the "deer-in-headlights" look coming with far less frequency when someone speaks to me in French, and I find myself able to articulate myself far more accurately. Having French classes while actually going out and speaking French is so different from having classes taught in English, where all you do is exercises, never really properly using the language. Several times over the past few weeks, when I have been out and about, I formulate a sentence and then realize giddily that I just used a concept that I had learned/relearned/clarified in my class over the past few weeks- Cause! Consequence! Future Simple!

I must remember to tell my professor that. Last class with her tomorrow at 13:00! (Slowly getting used to the time-telling over here)

1 comment:

  1. May I just say that occasionally you sound ever so spoiled :-p. Although I do agree with you that there needs to be days specifically set aside for getting stuff done and then one to just NOT MOVE. I would enjoy three day weekends too. Sadly for me, I just get a 1 day weekend this week, on a week that for the rest of the country is a three day weekend! Sadness!
