Sunday, February 20, 2011

Panic Mode!!


School starts tomorrow and I'm neeeeeeerrrrrrvous! I'm nervous that I'll oversleep (despite the fact that I've been waking up around 8am naturally, so even if I sleep over my 7am alarm, I should still be able to make it to my 9am class. I'm nervous that I'll get lost on my way there. I'm nervous that the French will be too far beyond my comprehension. I'm nervous that I'll get lost while I'm there. I'm nervous about spending 6 hours of intensive French study in one day- entirely in French.

At least I'm starting out with the worst of it. Each day thereafter has only one 3-hour class, and two of them are content based. But also entirely in French. EEP!

1 comment:

  1. You will do great, as usual. And no matter how difficult a day it may prove to be, it will lead directly to your reward: Tuesday's French Fashion class!
    Go get em girl!
    Lots of love and good thoughts. Mom
